Coffee Mornings

On the 1st Thursday of each month (except for January and August) we have a coffee morning in our church hall from 10am to around 11:30 am.

These meetings are very relaxed and people come to enjoy coffee and chat with one another. At most of these mornings we have a speaker on a subject which we trust will be of interest to those who are there.

PBC 2024 Coffee Mornings

Thursday 1st February
2024 is a leap-year so there we will be a 29th February. Our February coffee morning will be
considering leap years.

Thursday 7th March
As this day is National Book Day we will be remembering the life and works of:
Agatha Christie.

Thursday 4th April
On this day in 1958 a new peace logo was launched. We will be thinking about the theme of peace
and especially the peace we can have with God, through Jesus Christ.


Thursday 2nd May
Our May coffee morning will be a musical one as some of our Church members choose their
favourite hymn and explain how it came to be written or why it is special to them. We will sing the
hymns too!

Thursday 6th June
Steven St John will be speaking about his recent trip to The Falkland Islands.


Thursday 4th July
Since ‘The Championships’ will be under way in SW19, we will be having a Wimbledon theme to
our coffee morning.


Thursday 5th September
Derek Sewell is a London pastor and also a keen amateur photographer. He will be sharing with
us a selection of his photos and sharing some tips as to what makes a good photograph.


Thursday 3rd October
It was in 1824 when John Cadbury opened a grocer’s shop in Birmingham and among his
products was drinking chocolate. This would be the start of a large company and Steven St John
will be telling us more. Chocolates will be included!


Thursday 14th November (Note change of date)
As we draw near to Remembrance Sunday, Gareth Jones will be speaking about the ministry of
war time chaplains at Toc H House, Belgium.


Thursday 5th December
With Christmas approaching, we will be remembering some significant Christmas events.



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